CFP (conf): Tracking the Creative Process in Music


3rd edition: Paris, France, 8th-10th October 2015

Organised jointly by IRCAM, IReMus (Paris-Sorbonne University and CNRS), and
CTEL (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University).

This conference brings together researchers interested in artistic
creativity and the study of processes of musical and sound creation of the
past and present. Researchers working on this cluster of problems from a
wide variety of disciplines (history, music analysis, psychology,
philosophy, cognitive science, sociology, ethnomusicology, anthropology,
etc.) are invited to assess the different methodologies developed in the
last thirty years in their respective areas from an interdisciplinary
perspective. Each approach contributes in its own way to the advancement of
our understanding of the procedures, techniques, knowledge and know-how
employed by musicians involved in creative projects.

Our guest speakers in 2015 will be Georgina Born (University of Oxford),
Nicholas Cook (University of Cambridge, author of *Musical Performance as
Creative Practice*, Oxford U.P., 2016), Pierre-Michel Menger (Coll?ge de
France, author of *The Economics of Creativity*, Harvard U.P., 2014), and
Friedemann Sallis (University of Calgary, author of *Musical Sketches*,
Cambridge U.P., 2015).  TCPM will also include workshops/concerts on
composition and performance led by Hyacinthe Ravet (Universit?
Paris-Sorbonne) and Jean-Fran?ois Trubert (Universit? de Nice-Sophia
Antipolis).  The languages of the conference are English and French.
Simultaneous translation of French papers will be provided.


Each conference talk proposal must include the following elements:
First and last name of presenter
Institutional Affiliation
Mailing Address, telephone number and email address
Title of proposed conference talk
Abstract, 800 to 1200 words in length, clearly presenting the subject, the
theories and models of creative processes described in the talk, the goals,
the methodology used and the results of the study
Selected Bibliography (3 to 8 references to the exclusion of the
presenter’s own work) and main sources used (archives, experimental or
ethnographic data, etc.).
Personal web site (optional)

Proposals must be received no later than 1 December 2014 via the
conference?s website.

Proposals will be double-blind reviewed by 2 or 3 members of the Scientific
Committee, depending on the areas covered in the proposal.  Notification of
acceptance will be sent to applicants within 12 weeks.

Correspondence address: tcpm2015 (at) ircam (point) fr

The conference website will be online in fall 2014.

By admin

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