With regret and after careful consideration, the RMA MPSG committee has made the decision to cancel our biennial conference MPSG2021.
We had hoped that progress with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic would have permitted us to hold the conference in person in July 2021, but continuing uncertainty surrounding international travel arrangements over the next few months makes this impossible.

MPSG 2022
We hope to meet again in London in 2022 and look forward to having the opportunity to discuss papers and meet other delegates in person.
A new Call for Free Papers for the 2022 conference will be issued later in the year. This will be open to new submissions, and substantially revised abstracts from any speakers already accepted.
For those whose abstracts have already been accepted to the Call for Free Paper Sessions for 2021 and who wish to be considered to present on the same topic, this should be indicated at the time of re-submission and the ratings assigned by the committee will be retained from this year. We will be in touch with Themed and Associates Sessions organisers and speakers shortly.
MPSG Online series
Finally, though we understand you will share our disappointment that the MPSG conference cannot take place this year, we are pleased to say that we are organising an “MPSG Online” events series featuring invited speakers and panels, projected to run from this summer – further details will be announced soon.
We look forward to using the different possibilities afforded by an online event series to expand participation and engagement with the MPSG’s work.