CFP (Conf) Thinking Through Dance: The Philosophy of Dance Performance and Practices


Thinking Through Dance: The Philosophy of Dance Performance and Practices

Saturday 26th February 2011, 9:00 – 17:00, Froebel College, Roehampton
University, London.

This conference explores the philosophical questions raised by and in dance. Relatively under-theorised as it has been in the history of aesthetics, dance presents fertile ground for philosophical enquiry. Abstracts are invited for papers and (part-) practical presentations of 30 minutes (plus 15 minutes discussion time) on topics including, but not limited to, the following. Papers and presentations in any philosophical tradition are welcome.

Dance and embodiment

Dance meaning and artistic intention

Expressivity and the dancing body

Representation in dance

The ontology of dance

Authentic performance

Dance at the intersection of analytic and continental philosophy

Deadline for submission: 15th November 2010 (presenters will be notified of acceptance by 17th December 2010). Panel for selection of abstracts/papers includes: Graham McFee, Jenny Bunker, Sara Houston, Geraldine Morris, Anna Pakes & Bonnie Rowell. Please e-mail your abstract and contact/affiliation details (on a separate sheet) in MsWord or PDF format to Julia Noyce:

Organised by Roehampton University Dance Department.

By admin

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