Royal Musical Association Annual Conference 2011 (Horizons)
University of Sussex, Brighton
14-16 July 2011
Building on the boundaries theme of the 2010 RMA Annual Conference, this conference explores new horizons affecting music and its study. Practitioners and researchers alike are encouraged to explore the ways in which new and emerging horizons are affecting diverse areas of musical research. Papers are invited on any aspect of the concept of horizons in musical research from any field (e.g. composition, performance, music history and analysis, film music studies, popular music/jazz studies etc.). In particular, the conference welcomes papers addressing or engaging with the following topics:
The rise of the impact agenda for research
The growth of digital humanities
The development of practice as research
The future of critical musicology
The engagement with multimedia and site-specific environments
In conjunction with Glyndebourne Opera and the University of Sussex’s Centre for Research in Opera and Music Theatre, papers or practical demonstrations are particularly invited for themed sessions on any aspect of opera and music theatre addressing any of the above issues.
The conference will include the Peter Le Huray Lecture for 2011 and a number of keynote addresses. Speakers to be confirmed shortly.
As part of the social activities for the conference, there will be an optional trip to the Glyndebourne Festival production of Donizetti’s L’elisir d’amore on July 14th.
Proposals of 250 words maximum are invited for the following:
Papers (20 minutes maximum, with 10 minutes discussion)
Lecture-recitals and performances /demonstrations (30 minutes maximum, with 15 minutes discussion)
Proposals of 650 words maximum are invited for the following:
Themed paper sessions of three or four papers (to include a proposal of 300 words maximum outlining the purpose of the themed session, along with brief explanations of each of the individual papers to be included each paper to be 20 minutes maximum plus ten minutes discussion)
DEADLINE for proposals: 5pm (GMT), Friday 26 November 2010
Results and preliminary programme announced: late December 2010
Please submit by email, in an attachment including your full name and contact details, to the RMA Horizons Conference Administrator, Terry Bryan, at t.j.bryan at . If you are a student, please say so.
Proposals will be judged anonymously. Proposals sent in by students will be given special consideration.
Further details can be found on the conference website:
RMA Programme Committee: Katherine Brown (KCL), John Irving (IMR), Elaine King (Hull), Nicholas McKay (Sussex), Philip Olleson (Nottingham)