CFP (conf): International Conference. Music and Body Matters


International Conference: Music and Body Matters
Jornadas de la Sociedad Ibérica de Etnomusicología (SIBE) 2012
7-8 June 2012, Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño

Scientific Committee:

Paulo Ferreira de Castro (Universidade Nova Lisboa)
Luc Delannoy (Instituto de Neuroartes, México)
Elisabeth Le Guin (UCLA)
Luca Chiantore (Musikeon/ESMUC)
Isabel Nogueria (Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil)
Paula Higgins (University of Nottingham)
Josemi Lorenzo (IIF, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Conference Board:

Diego Alonso (Universidad de La Rioja)
Teresa Cascudo (Universidad de La Rioja)
Susan Campos (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Teresa Fraile (Universidad de Extremadura)
María Palacios (Universidad de Salamanca)
Eduardo Viñuela (Universidad de Oviedo)


Largely ignored by traditional historiography, the body is a central element in the construction of Western musical practices. The analysis of what has been calling “body politics” is fundamental to understand music as a complex social phenomenon. Its use, convention, and / or redefinition in the performative act include many research topics that a “musicology of the body” should consider.

Whit this premise, we make a call for papers following this research lines:

1. The body as a category of analysis: epistemological, methodological
and disciplinary studies on music and body.

2. Defining the body as a conceptual tool for musicology and
ethnomusicology, as research problem of Embodiment in the Sociology of
3. Body and narratives: discourses on the body and / or the body as
discourse in music, especially in the representation of Gender.
4. Historiography, body and music.

The deadline for submitting proposals (title, 300-word abstract, five keywords, and CV) is December 31, 2011. The acceptance will be sent before January 31. Proposals must be sent by email: / Subject: Music and Body Matters.

The conference languages will be English and Spanish. Communications will last 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of debate.

All participants will have to cover their costs for travel and accomodation. The conference fee is 30 euros. It includes admission to all conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunches.


ANDRIEU, Bernard. À la recherche du corps. Épistémologie de la recherche
frrançaise en Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Nancy: Presses
Universitaires, 2005.

COUPLAND, Justine & GWYN, Richard (ed.). Discourse, The Body, and
Identity. London: Macmillan/ Palgrave, 2003.

LAKOFF, George & JOHNSON, Mark. Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied
Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought. Nueva York: Basic Books, 1999.

LEPECKI, André. Of the Presence of the Body: Essays on Dance and
Performance Theory. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2004.

LE GUIN,  Elisabeth. Boccherini`s Body. An essay in carnal musicology.
Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2006.


Revista E-Misférica (Claudia Briones & Marcial Godoy-Anativia, ed.),
Body Matters/Corpografías, 4.2. Nov. 2007. Disponible en:

Revista Transcultural (Alejandro L. Madrid, ed.), Dossier: Música y
estudios sobre performance/Music and performance Studies, Nº 13, 2009.
Disponible en:

Revista Transcultural (Rubén López Cano, ed.), Dossier Música, cuerpo y
cognición/Music, body and cognition, Nº 9, 2005. Disponible en:

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