Symposium and Book Launch in Honour and Memory of Raymond Monelle (1937–2010)
Edinburgh, 18-19 August, 2012
Alison House, 12 Nicolson Square, Lecture Room A (2nd floor)
Saturday, August 18th, 2012
Chair: Esti Sheinberg
Session 1: 14:00–15:00
Robert Hatten:
Raymond Monelle’s Vision for Music Semiotics
Nicholas McKay:
The Significance of Stravinsky’s Signifiers
Bálint Veres:
Transmedial Sense of Music in Josef Danhauser’s Liszt am Flügel (1840)
Session 2: 15:00–15:40
Bill Dougherty:
Rubinstein’s Mélange: A Wilhelm Meister Cycle
Marina Ritzarev:
Vernacular Music? Between Nature and Culture
Session 3: 16:00–17:00
Ben Curry:
A Peircean Approach to Music Analysis: Temporality and Subjectivity
Yayoi Everett:
Multimodality and Contemporary Operas
Tamara Balter:
Parody of Learned Style
Session 4: 17:00–18:00
Rosalía Rodríguez-Vázquez:
Conducted by Monelle: A Linguistic Quest into the Woodlands of Song
Anthony Gritten:
The Unthinkable Wisdom of Raymond Monelle
Sunday, August 19th, 2012
10:30 – 12:30 : Mass Service
19:30 – 21:30 : Book Launch and Reception