Call for papers – Thinking and singing conference,
10.30am-5.00pm Saturday 20th April 2013
Senate House, University of London
Singing performance is an area dominated by the weight of tradition and vested interests, but little clarity about the personal and philosophical issues at stake.
The idea for this conference has come from a group of practitioners who are also academics, and want to share contributions to clarity of thought in relation to singing, and to performance practice.
The two keynote speakers are Prof Peter Wiegold, composer and Head of Research at Brunel University, and Robert Lada, leader of a new research project into somatic training for voice teachers at Berklee Conservatory.
We welcome contributions from anyone who is interested in furthering this debate, in the area of philosophy or related disciplines. We hope to run a focussed and coherent day, with a high level of engagement, which will give rise to further publication of some of the submissions.
Proposals (300 words) for individual papers (20 minutes, with 10 minutes discussion) should be sent by Friday 1 February 2013 to or Any enquiries should also be addressed to Sara Clethero.
Programme committee:
David Henson
Simon Zagorski Thomas
Sara Clethero