Royal Musical Association, 50th Annual Conference, Leeds, 4-6 September 2014
Call for Papers
Deadline: 5:00 PM (GMT), Saturday, 30 November 2013
The Royal Musical Association will assemble for its Annual Conference at the School of Music, University of Leeds, between 4 and 6 September 2014. It will be a special event for a number of reasons: not only is it the RMA’s 50th annual conference, but also it marks the 140th anniversary of the Association’s foundation and the 70th anniversary of its designation ‘Royal’. The occasion will be a meeting point for all to celebrate the achievements of the RMA and the breadth and depth of current research into the science and practice of music. The Peter Le Huray lecture will be given by Alexander Rehding (Harvard University) and the Dent lecture by Elizabeth Eva Leach (University of Oxford).
The programme committee invites proposals for individual papers (20 minutes) and themed sessions (90 minutes). Any session format – including sound installations, performance-based presentations, or workshops – may be proposed, as long as it fits into a 90-minute slot.
The committee welcomes proposals from early-career researchers as well as leading scholars and practitioners. The aim is to represent the wide interests of the RMA’s membership at this milestone conference.
Submission of proposals and abstracts should conform to the following rules:
Individual papers: two copies of an abstract of no more than 250 words to be sent in pdf format. One should be attributed and one anonymous to enable anonymous review. An indication should be given of equipment required.
Themed sessions: abstracts (as above) for each of the contributions to the session. In addition, a 400-word rationale (also pdf format) that makes clear the purpose of the session, its theme and the ways in which the individual contributions relate, both thematically and in terms of
organization and timing (for example, four 15-minute position papers followed by a half-hour discussion). Please include full contact details of the convenor, and indicate what equipment is needed.
The programme committee comprises Anastasia Belina-Johnson (Leeds College of Music), Kevin Dawe (University of Kent), Warwick Edwards (RMA/University of Glasgow), Andrew Kirkman (University of Birmingham) and Derek Scott (Annual Conference Chair; University of Leeds).
Proposals for individual papers and themed sessions should be sent to:
They must arrive no later than 5.00pm (GMT) on Saturday 30 November 2013. The committee aims to notify proposal authors of its decision by early February 2014. Those selected will be asked to confirm their acceptance and may make revisions to their abstract and (where applicable) timings. The full programme will be announced and booking
will open by Easter. Abstracts will be published on the RMA’s website in July.
Note: All participants (save Le Huray and Dent guests and designated conference organizers) are required to register and pay the applicable fee. Registration fees cannot be guaranteed at this stage, but are expected to be no more than £65 for RMA members and £75 for non-RMA
members, with concessions available at half-price and a discount offered for early-bird registration.
You do not have to be an RMA member to propose a session or a paper, or to participate. However, you will find it well worth joining at It will entitle you to a discount on the conference registration fee, free hard-copy and online access to the Journal of the Royal Musical Association and the RMA Research Chronicle, exclusive discounts on a wide range of publishers’ books, professional news and views in the monthly e-bulletin and twice-yearly printed newsletter, and much more besides.
Enquiries about exhibition space, leafleting, and advertising in the conference programme book are welcome at any time.
Enquiries are also welcome regarding closed meeting-room facilities for members of the Music Research Consortium UK, though a small charge may be payable.