8th Conference of the Royal Musical Association Music & Philosophy Study Group
Department of Music, King’s College London, July 2022 (dates TBA)
The RMA Music and Philosophy Study Group warmly invites session and paper proposals for this two-day international conference. The event will offer an opportunity for those with an interest in music and philosophy to share and discuss work, in the hope of furthering dialogue in this area.
We are soliciting session and paper proposals under the following headings: Associates Sessions, hosted by organisations with related interests; Free Sessions, open to papers on all topics relating to music and philosophy. Proposals may be on any topic relating to music and philosophy broadly conceived (see call for Free Sessions below).
Call for Associates Sessions
Related organisations, including scholarly societies, study groups and institutional departments, are warmly invited to host a session at the conference. The topic and organisation of such sessions is left to the host: sessions may feature invited speakers. All formats (including but not limited to workshops, roundtables, experimental or hybrid virtual/IRL sessions) will be considered; the maximum overall time available for the session will be 2 ½ hours.
If you would like to be involved in this way, please upload your session abstract (of up to 350 words), proposed paper titles and speaker names where applicable to the Associates Sessions form by 31 October 2021. Decisions will be communicated in November; individual paper abstracts and speaker biographies for accepted panels will be solicited from organisers in early 2022.
Call for Free Sessions
We invite submissions for papers on any topic relating to music and philosophy. The conference presumes inclusive definitions of both music and philosophy. We take music to include all forms and genres of music, art music and popular, secular and sacred, from any and all historical and geographical locales. We take philosophy to include analytic, continental, classical, and non-western thought, as well as critical theory. Regardless of disciplinary affiliation, the committee seeks conceptually rigorous and clearly articulated research that presents a novel argument and advances understanding of its topic.
Collaboration between persons from different disciplines (including music studies, philosophy, performance, composition, psychology, history, literary studies, art history, anthropology, and others) would be especially welcomed. Proposals are invited for:
- individual papers (20 minutes) – up to 350 words
- collaborative papers (up to 30 minutes) – up to 500 words
- lecture recitals (30 minutes) – up to 350 words
Please submit proposals by 31 October 2021 using the Free Sessions form.
N.B. those who previously had a paper accepted under the Free Sessions CfP for the cancelled summer 2021 conference and wish to retain their abstracts substantially unchanged can indicate this on the form: the scores previously assigned by the committee in the rating process will be retained for these abstracts. Those in the same position who wish to substantially revise their abstracts (though this is not required) may do so by submitting a new abstract on the form.
Decisions will be communicated in November. All paper submissions will be considered by blind review by the programme committee:
- Dr Jeremy Coleman (University of Aberdeen)
- Dr Andrew Huddleston (Birkbeck, University of London)
- Professor Derek Matravers (Open University)
- Dr Matthew Pritchard (University of Leeds)
- Friedlind Riedel (Bauhaus-University Weimar)
- Alexander Douglas (University of Wolverhampton)
- Professor Martin Stokes (King’s College London)
- Dr Férdia Stone-Davis (University of Cambridge)
- Dr Naomi Waltham-Smith (University of Warwick)
If you have queries about the CFP and your proposal, please contact the Chair of the RMA Music & Philosophy Study Group Dr Férdia Stone-Davis, fjs23@cam.ac.uk.