In 2012, CIM will tackle the subject of History. Hosted by the University of Göttingen, whose one time music director Johann Nikolaus Forkel is widely regarded as one of the founders of modern music historiography, CIM12 aims to promote collaborations that provoke and explore new methods and methodologies for establishing, evaluating, preserving and communicating knowledge of music and musical practices of past societies and the factors implicated in both the preservation and transformation of such practices over time. The focus will be the particular potential offered by interdisciplinary contributions to extending our understanding of music of the past, of its role in other social, cultural and political processes, and of processes of transformation of musical cultures and practices. Issues to be raised at the conference may include, but are not limited to:
•Possibilities and challenges for researching past musical practices, cultures and repertoires outside the traditional remit of music histories, including such practices, cultures and repertoires where knowledge transfer and knowledge preservation takes other forms than “standard” media such as writing/print
•Uses and possibilities of newer technologies for uncovering, evaluating and preserving documents on music and musical practice from past societies
•Perspectives offered by the empirical sciences and the natural sciences for understanding the music of past societies and the establishment, transformation and decline of musical practices
•Perspectives offered by research into music history for general and political history, for the history of ideas, of the sciences, and for all other scientific disciplines concerned with past societies and cultures.
Guidelines for submissions
CIM exists to promote interdisciplinary research in music. As a result all submissions must have at least two authors. The first two authors must represent distinct academic disciplines. Normally, this means disciplines whose methodological and epistemological bases are quite different (for example, humanities with empirical or experimental sciences; academics and practical musicians). For CIM12, we are extending this requirement in order to enable submissions from researchers whose disciplinary backgrounds technically lie within one general field (for example, humanities) but who still represent disciplines that do not have a tradition of collaboration with each other. Please note, however, that abstract reviewers will be asked to evaluate the extent to which the collaboration suggests represents a truly innovative and interdisciplinary approach. All abstracts must address the conference theme, with the focus on research outcomes rather than discourse. Abstract submissions will be evaluated on the basis of general academic quality and the degree to which they offer new perspectives and outcomes through interdisciplinary exchange.
For more information, see: