Musical Perspectives. Conference Announcement
The workshop aims to discuss the different possible approaches to music: it being an abstract art, music can be related to the different forms of expression of the human thought and, as consequence, it can be differently investigated according to the chosen mode: a phenomenological, artistic, aesthetical or epistemological one, and so on. By doing so, a new interest is hopefully raised in understanding our everyday (and often undervalued) dealing with music, not only under a theoretical light, but also in consideration of its technical applications. Students and staff will have the opportunity of acquiring a more complete and -by no means- panoramic vision of the musical sphere as the highest form of human artistic production, and to understand why the latter has in itself the power of deeply affecting the individuals, both rationally and irrationally.
The Keynote Speaker is Maestro Prof. Mirko Guerrini (“P. Mascagni” Music Academy, Livorno; Visiting Professor at the Monash University, Melbourne, AU) who is also a composer, an arranger, a conductor and a performer.
Room S0.21
Runs from Monday, June 18 to Tuesday, June 19.
Warwick Students (£3.50 per day, or £6 both days), non-Warwick Students and others (£5 per day, or £8.50 both days)
Programme of the Graduate Conference/Workshop “Musical Perspectives” at the Univesity of Warwick
DAY ONE: 18th June, 2012 (S0.21)
9.00: registration for the Graduate Conference
9.30: “Improvisation in Music: a Phenomenological Perspective” (warwick, UK)
10.15: “William Burroughs: Musical Experimentation à la Beat Generation” (Birkbeck, London, UK)
11.00-11.30: break
11.30: “The Three Important Paradigms of the Persian Music Philosophy” (Reading, UK)
12.15: “Performance, Audience and Space: What Makes Music Beautiful” (Warwick, UK)
13.00-14.00: lunch, not provided
14.00: “The Composition of Music” (Berlin, D)
14.45: “Music as a Nonrepresentational Experience” (Surrey, UK)
15.30-16.00: break
16.00: “Structures and Meaning in the Musical Language” (Warwick, UK)
16.45: “Sound Portraits” (Livorno, IT- Monash, AU)
DAY TWO: 19th June 2012 (S0.21)
9.00: registration for the Graduate Conference
9.30: “Making Theology Sound” (Birmingham, UK)
10.15: “Where Time meets the Other: Music, Meaning, and Value in Alfred Schütz’s philosophy” (New South Wales, AU)
11.00-11.30: break
11.30: “Against the Reduction of Music to ‘Information’ ” (Indiana, USA)
12.15: “The Role of Music in Schopenhauer’s Philosophy” (Warwick, UK)
13.00-14.00: lunch, not provided
14.00: we will move together to the Ensemble Room (Music centre, Art Centre) for the Workshop (“Jazz: Variations on a Theme”)