CFP: Post-Graduate Study Day. Explorations in Music Theology: History, Theory & Practice


Post-Graduate Study Day: Explorations in Music Theology: History, Theory & Practice
Tuesday 12th March 2013
CFP Deadline: 8 Feb 2013


The INMT Post-Graduate study day aims to explore the nature of the relationship between music and theology. A deep connection between theology and music has long been
acknowledged. From plainchant and hymns through to modern symphonies and popular music, music and theology have an extensive interrelated history. In recent years, there has been a significant rise in interdisciplinary analysis between these two fields. This study day seeks to build on current research and give Postgraduates the opportunity to add to this burgeoning field of study.

INMT therefore invites papers on the following topics:

Music and Theology in Contemporary Culture
Theology and Musicology
Sacred Music
Music and Historical Theology
Music and Catholic Theology
Music and Theology in the 19th Century
Liturgy and Music
Philosophical engagement between Theology and Music

Postgraduates are invited to submit proposals for 20 minute papers.
Please email an abstract (250 words)
including your name, institution and contact information to: A.D.Moss at

Deadline for proposals: Friday 8th February 2013

Keynote Speaker:
Professor Robin Leaver
Yale Institute of Sacred Music

Keynote Speaker:
Professor Bennett Zon
Durham University

The International Network for Music Theology

in association with
Durham University, Department of Theology & Religion & Department of Music
Durham University, Department of History & Institute for Medieval
and Renaissance Studies
Centre for Catholic Studies
Yale Institute of Sacred Music

Further information and free registration visit: or Contact: A.D.Moss at

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