CFP (conf): Modernist Musics and Political Aesthetics Conference


Call for papers: Modernist Musics and Political Aesthetics Conference

CFP deadline: 1st November 2014
Conference dates: 8th – 10th April 2015
Location: Nottingham University, UK

Modernist Musics and Political Aesthetics invites papers that consider the political implications of modernist musics and art, the mutual influence of art forms, and the establishment of new aesthetic and political principles within modernism.

Experimental modernist forms are widely thought to question the suitability of traditional cultural structures to represent experience. Whether it is Ezra Pound’s desire to ‘compose in the sequence of the musical phrase’ or the mutual influence of primitivism in Picasso’s paintings and Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, the formal innovations we call modernism often saw different art forms converge and stimulate one another. We hope this conference will explore these issues in depth.

Please submit proposals of max. 350 words, and a brief author biography, to nathan.waddell at by 1st November 2014.

For further details, plenary speakers and a list of suggested topics, please see the website.

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