
On this site you find selected Calls for Papers that are of interest to the MPSG

CFP (conf): The Ethical Challenge of Multidisciplinarity: Reconciling ‘The Three Narratives’—Art, Science, and Philosophy

The Ethical Challenge of Multidisciplinarity: Reconciling ‘The Three Narratives’—Art, Science, and Philosophy 2-6 July 2012, University of Cyprus Language—and by extension our story telling activities in general—enables us to confront the contingencies of life by answering the immediate question: what’s happening and what is going to happen next. Science also attempts to answer this question...

CFP (conf): Hearing Landscape Critically: Sense, Text, Ideology

Music Faculty, University of Oxford, 18-19 May 2012
Nowhere is the only unattainable elsewhere; people are always already somewhere. This conference – the first of three inter-continental meetings between 2012 and 2014 – is concerned with any and all “somewheres” that might be thought of as landscapes.

CFP (journal): Music and Queer Theory

Music and Queer Theory Call for contributions – Transposition. Musique et sciences sociales nº 3 () Queer theory is likely one of the most well-known and controversial recent schools of thought, and its impact has been felt in the academic world and beyond. It appeared in the early 1990s in the United States, as a direct offshoot of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) collectives, the...

CFP (conf): Love to Death: Transforming Opera

Love to Death: Transforming Opera Incorporating the Royal Musical Association Annual Conference 31 May – 2 June 2012 The School of Music, Cardiff University will be hosting an international academic conference, incorporating the annual conference of the Royal Musical Association, at Wales Millennium Centre, the home of Welsh National Opera, in 2012. This conference, in a world-class...

CFP (journal): The Journal of Sonic Studies (JSS)

The Journal of Sonic Studies (JSS) is a peer-reviewed, online, open access journal providing a platform for theorists and artists who would like to present relevant work regarding auditory cultures, to further our collective understanding of the impact and importance of sound for our cultures.

CFP (conf): Music: Parts and Labor

The Department of Music at New York University is seeking submissions for the inaugural graduate student conference, Music: Parts and Labor. The constitution of a musical work is a topic of much historical debate in musicological, philosophical, and legal discourses. Music: Parts and Labor is an interdisciplinary conference that aims to interrogate what is at stake in challenging or maintaining...

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