
On this site you find selected Calls for Papers that are of interest to the MPSG

CFP (Conf): RMA Annual Conference 2011 (Horizons)

Royal Musical Association Annual Conference 2011 (Horizons) University of Sussex, Brighton 14-16 July 2011 CALL FOR PROPOSALS Building on the boundaries theme of the 2010 RMA Annual Conference, this conference explores new horizons affecting music and its study.  Practitioners and researchers alike are encouraged to explore the ways in which new and emerging horizons are affecting diverse areas...

CFP (Journal): Philosophy of Music: Special Issue of Teorema

Philosophy of music is a second-level reflection on the nature of music and our experience of it. Music is a practice fraught with meaning and value in the lives of many people and occupies an important place in our artistic culture. However, it raises philosophical questions perhaps more difficult than other artistic practices. Many philosophers, from the Pythagoreans and Plato to Wittgenstein...

CFP (Conf) Thinking Through Dance: The Philosophy of Dance Performance and Practices

Thinking Through Dance: The Philosophy of Dance Performance and Practices Saturday 26th February 2011, 9:00 – 17:00, Froebel College, Roehampton University, London. This conference explores the philosophical questions raised by and in dance. Relatively under-theorised as it has been in the history of aesthetics, dance presents fertile ground for philosophical enquiry. Abstracts are invited...

CFP (conf): Tracking the Creative Process in Music

Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, Lille 29 Sep – 1 Oct 2011 Deadline for submissions: 1 Dec 2010 What pro­ce­dures, tech­niques, knowl­edge and/or know-how do musi­cians uti­lize when they ‘cre­ate’ music? Beethoven’s famous walks in the park and the no less famous sketch­books have, since the 19th cen­tury, pop­u­lar­ized the idea that the cre­ative activ­ity of...

CFP (workshop) Enchanting Modernity: Theosophy and the Arts in the Making of Early Twentieth-Century Culture

Enchanting Modernity: Theosophy and the Arts in the Making of Early Twentieth-Century Culture Event type: Workshop Date: 3 December 2010 Founded in 1875, The Theosophical Society fused the study and practice of ancient mystical traditions with a commitment to shape, rather than reject, the modern world. Its ubiquitous worldwide presence in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century culture...

CFP (Conf): Time’s Excesses in Music, Literature and Art

May 27-28, 2011 Where: Caen, France Deadline: January 15, 2011 This inter­na­tional con­fer­ence is intended to explore how time may be rep­re­sented aes­thet­i­cally in exces­sive, eccen­tric and unthink­able ways. Art appears to have found a means of get­ting around time’s dilem­mas by depict­ing it as irra­tional or por­tray­ing the impos­si­bil­ity of get­ting a firm grasp of it. In art, time...

CFP (Conf): Music, Gender, and Globalization

Music, Gender, and Globalization Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; April 1–2, 2011. Inviting graduate students and recent PhDs from across the humanities and the social sciences to submit presentation proposals for an interdisciplinary conference at Cornell University on April 1–2, 2011. We especially welcome submissions from scholars in: historical musicology, ethnomusicology, anthropology...

CFP (conf): 2nd Conference of the European Narratology Network

Deadline extended Place and Time: University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, March 10th and 11th, 2011 Conference language: English Pre-Conference Doctoral Course: March 9th, 2011 New Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 18th, 2010. Send 200-word abstracts to Associate Professor Per Krogh Hansen (University of Southern Denmark, Center for Narratological Studies): Please...

CFP (journal): The Monist Issue of the Philosophy of Music

Deadline for Submissions: October 31, 2011 Advisory Editor: Julian Dodd, The University of Manchester ( Music raises many fascinating questions for both analytical aesthetics and philosophy quite generally. Ontological concerns have been particularly pressing in recent times. What kind of entity is a work of music? How are such entities individuated? Do they depend...

CFP (Conf): Constructing Historiography of Music: The Formation of musicological Knowledge

Date: November 3-5, 2011
Conference Venue: Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany
Organized by: Ph.D. Fellows of “Erinnerung – Wahrnehmung – Bedeutung. Musikwissenschaft als Geisteswissenschaft”, funded by the federal state of Lower Saxony at the Universities in Göttingen, Oldenburg and Osnabrück together with the
University of Music, Drama and Media Hannover
Deadline: February 28, 2011

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